

The first Brahmousin cattle can be traced back to the ranch of Daryl Wiggins at Marble Falls, TX. Hecombined the best characteristics of Limousin and Braham cattle and succeeded in producing the Brahmousin.

Limousin Cattle

The Limousin cattle bred is a French breed of cattle that is reared for beef. It is the second-largest producer of beef in France. It is a large breed that produces a large amount of quality beef. They have excellent muscling and growth traits. These cattle are known for easy calving. This means that the calves have low birth weights and this makes it easy for female Limousin cattle to carry calves to term and deliver them with ease. They have a fast growth rate and excellent milking qualities. Their great milking qualities make them the perfect cattle for milk production.They also produce quality beef with little to no fat. The beef they produce is not just lean, it is also known to be quite tender.

Braham Cattle

The Braham cattle breed is reputed to be the most numerous cattle breed in Australia. They are indigenous American hybrid breeds. They are known for their thick skins, which makes them resistant to insect bites. Braham cattle are highly tolerant to heat, and they can survive in and adapt to very hot regions. They also have high-stress tolerance. One amazing trait the Braham cattle breed possesses is its ability to live long. This breed has the longest lifespan for cattle, and they live for as long as fifteen years or more.

Brahmousin Composition

The Brahmousin breed has genetics from both Limousin and Braham cattle. It has more genetics from the Limousin breed. Brahmousin cattle have the best characteristics of both breeds, and this makes them superior cattle. The Brahmousin combines the heat tolerance of Braham cattle with the fast growth rate of Limousin cattle. This means that they can be bred under extreme climate conditions without stunting their growth rate. It also has high stress tolerance and the long shelf life of Braham cattle which is about fifteen years or more, excellent muscling rates, milk production, and lean and tender beef with no fat.

Your Brahmousin cattle can serve multiple purposes. They are not limited to just producing quality beef. They can also produce quality dairy products for sale or personal consumption. You can choose to offer cross-breeding services where you mate your male purebred Brahmousin with a female Brahmousin to produce purebred calves for a particular fee. It also doesn’t necessarily have to be with a purebred female Brahmousin, however, the offspring won’t be recorded as a purebred Brahmousin.

Not just any genetic composition of a Limousin and Braham cow can make up a purebred Brahmousin. It has to be exactly three-fourths Braham and five-eighths Limousin. Anything less is considered as an ordinary Brahmousin. Some other characteristics of Brahmousin cattle include excellent carcass quality, feedlot returns, a high fertility rate for both sexes, and superior maternal traits.